Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Mostly people will be running after Rip or compressed games so that they download the file faster and start playing the game.What they don't realize is that Audio Unlike Texture files cannot be compressed.Infact,if I am not mistaken,the best compressed audio format is the .ogg extension.You may be wondering then how the Installation process can resume if certain game files are missing.Well the truth is the Uploader would have Modded the Installation,making sure that the Unwanted files(which cant be compressed) or in this case the Audio is scrapped off!!!I also used to look for Rip or Compressed games.Long back,I found an ultra compressed version of Hitman:Blood Money which was about 340 Mb in compressed state and on extraction it occupies almost 4 gb.But after Installation when I tried to play the Game,the Ingame audio didn't work.Although I was able to finish the game,I Couldn't really enjoy it.
                                       The same was the story with the Compressed PES 2010(30 Mb) which upon extraction was showing 5.4 Gb.The funny thing is,the program files Installation indicates that the Installation size is 1.33 Gb but when I went to the Installed folder I would the folder size to be 5.43Gb clearly Indicating that its FAKE!!!This is not the case with the Compressed one.This has been the case with all the PES 2010 available in the Internet.I would suggest you to go and get a legit copy.I really don't think that any fix will be available for this anytime soon.
                                                          So the moral of the story,its better to download the verified versions of the game and better stay away from Rip or Compressed ones,as definitely they will miss  out one or more files and definitely you CANNOT COMPRESS AUDIO files.Also before you download,plz make sure you read the comments and make up your mind,else you will end up wasting your Bandwidth & Time.



Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani