Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Year 2010 was a miserable one for Pc gamers with many anticipated game releases falling way below expectations and some getting delayed or worse canceled.The year featured the releases of the Big runners like Stalker Call of Pripyat,Metro 2033,Fallout New Vegas,Medal of Honor & the upcoming Call of Duty Black Ops.Truth to be told,the only game which I felt worth every penny was Fallout New Vegas.This game is an absolute masterpiece & lives upto and probably surpasses the expectations like its Predecessor Fallout 3 released in 2008.The rest were just wasted talents(Thats what I felt).Metro had the capabilities of becoming an unparalled Post Apocalyptic gaming experience but sadly lacked a refined plot and on top of that the Arsenal Sections were pretty much limited.Even more was the outrageous system requirement Gig.Stalker on the other hand failed even more miserably that Stalker Clear Sky.The main quest was way too short compared to the side quests offered in the game.But one thing we need to admit is that this is probably the least buggy Stalker game.Fear 3 & Max Payne are being pushed further back into time & Half life 3 seems to be lost.
                                                                      But the Year 2012 seems  promising for Pc  gamers as the sequel to Stalker,i.e Stalker 2 is in works & also based on Metro 2034 Novel,4A Games have already launched into the Developmental phase & we can expect atleast 2 Post Nuclear Apocalyptic Games.Also rumors are indicating that Fallout 4 is also expected to hit late 2011 or early 2012 & if it does,then its gonna be an action packed 2012 & I wish I had a time machine to fast forward myself into the future.Hopefully I guess maybe Valve will also be able to Ship in Half-life 3 along with the other major releases which I will be eagerly waiting to lay my hands upon.So near Yet So FAR!



Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani