Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The ongoing altercation between Bethesda & Interplay is raging on & doesn't seem to douse anytime soon.Interplay on one hand has revealed in its Website that its scheduling to release Fallout MMO,set in an era of Post Nuclear Apocalypse.This game is expected to have its Beta release in 2012.Concurrently Bethesda with whom Interplay is having the Legal battle has bagged the rights to make fallout 4 & 5 and who knows the series may continue.I just hope that they can keep upto their deadlines otherwise if what the Mayan Forerunners had predicted comes true then no point in making us wait in a tantalizing situation.
                                                      I personally feel that FPS & MMO doesn go well hand to hand,so I guess I would be preferring Fallout 4 than the MMO.Fallout is critically acclaimed for its creepy yet highly interactive environment which I am afraid will be of no good for an MMO venture.The truth is I can't wait for Fallout 4.If you ask me I would say that this is probably THE BEST FPS game I have played till now(Half life used to be my top favorite).But I also would like to make a wish list of what could  be delightful for a Fallout Chauvinist:
  • Preferably must continue from where Fallout 3 left.Player assumes the role of  the Lone Wanderer.  
  • Even Bigger Map:Possibly across continents.He He!I know its too much,but don't you think it would be lovely if you can have that?
  • Travelling & Exploring can sometimes be Monotonous so it would be better to have a few vehicles like Cars,Fast cars,Bikes,cyle etc.Also if possible Cars with Arsenal dispatchers & Cars with Weapons.
  • More Weapons & Upgrades.Lets say more than 100 of em.All fully upgradeable  & customizable.
  • Level 30 is Way too short.We need atleast 50.C'mon!I was 25 Even before I had discovered only 40% of the Map.
  • Create your own Clan or Faction,with Unique memeber,even companions.They should also be specialists in their fields.Also have capabilities like Recon,Mine disarming etc.
  • A pack of 3 companion would be excellent & should be good @ decision makings.Must utilize the Environment to prevent getting shot just like Brothers In Arms.
  • Incorporation of Strategies like Flanking,Blitzkrieg etc along with your companions would be AWESOME.Also if possible leaning must be added too.Also for the A.I.
  • Houses should be more like Fallout 3 where you had all the tools @ ur disposal.This would be a real value add.
  • Include faction wars like Stalker Games.
  • More how to do weapons @ your disposal.Feels like to manufacture your own Armour & Arsenal if Ammo's are hard to come by.
  • If a clan Idea is added then,there must be a unique clan vehicle like a Harley-Davidson Bike or you know a Ferrari who knows even a B-29 BOMBER!
  • Brotherhood of Steel had limited role in this & Enclave was no where to be seen.Can you add more quests related to these guys.These are the prominent & Formidable Groups in the Series.
                                                                     I guess that will be all.Still have more to add to this wishlist,so will keep adding them then & there.What do you guys think must be added in this list? 


Anonymous said...

Hello there :)

Do you know the better as well as most used mmo and role-playing game games of the year of 2010 and may be played for 2011?
If possible tell me what amount of players play in mmorpg's also in case of rpg's tell methe system standards as well as some site where there is ranks of these video games may be specified(same goes for mmorpg to).

Thx !


Blogumulus by Roy Tanck and Amanda Fazani